Saturday, July 11, 2009

Freeze this Moment

Yesterday I went to our local farmer's market for the first time. There was a seller there with tons of flowers and herbs. Potted and cut.

I bought a bunch of herbs for balcony planting. And flowers for the vases.

I got home with my loot and got to spend a glorious 30 minutes with my daughter where we clipped and arranged and vased our flowers.

I wish I could freeze that moment forever.

Here are some...right here...

And here is me, as I type this, with some more behind me. In the vases - next to the guitars.

Here's another shot and in the background you can also see the mint, rosemary, and lavender I bought for the balcony. Oh...and yet another guitar. We have 5 hanging, 1 on the floor, and one at my daughter's firehouse. Wonder when I'm getting that one back...hmmmm....

Now, time to go to Best Buy. And the RV. And to find out why our A/C isn't working...again.

But before I go, one last shot. (I just missed the Chris/Beau kiss.)


Back in the Mill

I hadn't realized how working so hard could be such a great vacation. But 10 days of moving was so effective that even though I returned to work on Wednesday, my brain still hasn't accepted that I'm not on leave.

Maybe this is because the entire three days I was back I kept thinking about how much I wished I were still back home working on stuff.

My network is still slow and, btw, so far I am not a fan of FIOS.

My home server is still not set up. Turns out I need to get a switch. If FIOS were not so far behind the times I could be running Wireless N and therefore would not need a switch because my desktop machine would no longer need to be hardwired. But they are behind the times. And for the record, when the FIOS tech sets stuff up the world does not suddenly go all glowy. No. It. Does. Not.

Several folks have suggested that perhaps I have too heavy a load on the network. HELLO? This is why I've changed over to FIOS. They are supposed to be able to handle it. Grrggh.

I did get real work done the 2.5 days I was back in the office. I left early on Friday to work from home and will need to do that work over the weekend since I spent my "work at home" time at the Farmers Market (planned - this is why I want to work at home on Friday afternoons) and then at the vet having a cat put down.

For those of you who have never done this, trust me when I tell you - it is not fast. Some people just hand their pet over and say "do it" then leave.

I am not those people. The decision to put down an otherwise healthy cat was not easy. But I believe it was the responsible choice. For five years now when she gets mad at me she starts peeing on a piece of furniture. She does not stop, even when she is no longer mad at me, until that piece of furniture is removed. As a result, I've lost an heirloom rocking chair, several office chairs, a laundry hamper and, in the non-furniture category, a good smelling closet.

Two days ago our old cat returned and she was miffed to have him back. So she picked our brand new leather $1500 dollar couch.

Called the vet. Explained the situation. He agreed.

When looking for the other cat - the runaway - we visited the local shelter where there were 70 cats in residence looking for a home. I just could not add a 71st with an attitude problem. Nor could I bear the idea of leaving her there lost and alone.

So I sat with her as she drifted off with the sedative - such a nervous little kitty that she fought it off best as she could - and I held her as she breathed her last. Then I swallowed, wiped my eyes, and left.

(Rest in Peace Fluff)
Because she had a great life for 10 years - 10 years she almost didn't have. I will leave this apartment in a few years without the vestiges of bad cat behavior, having done my part to keep this building pet friendly. And maybe, just maybe, a few of the petless residents here will visit the local shelter and adopt.

And PEOPLE! Spay or neuter. Seriously!


Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Lost & Found

Shortly after our move I misplaced my blackberry. No internet and no blackberry meant no work.

(Okay, I *could* have worked - but let's keep working this excuse.)

The night we moved into our new place we went to bed with three cats (shhh...if anyone asks it's only two) on the balcony.

When we woke up the next morning there were only two cats.

Uh oh.

So I ran out the door to see if there was cat splatter on the sidewalk below. Fortunately, before I got very far, I ran back in and put some clothes on.

Dressed, I took a walk and I looked...and called...and looked...and then noticed the Brueggers bagels and got some breakfast.

The cat was no where to be found. I wandered back up and broke the news to my daughter.

Not a good moment.

She has never known life without this old boy of ours. Proving that she is definitely my daughter she immediately formed a plan and took action. She created flyers and put them up everwhere - using up ALL of my color ink in the process.

Several days passed and no Snickers. A visit to World Market included buying some floor pillows for the two remaining cats (I dream of keeping them from sleeping on my face...I am *allergic* damnit.) Chris looked at me and said "two or three."

I damn near burst into tears.

14 years ago I walked into a petstore to buy pinkies for youngest son's snake and on the other side of the store was this cage FULL of kittens. They were sleeping, and playing, and climbing, and meowing. All except one. THAT one locked eyes with me and did not break his stare even once as I crossed the store to get to the cage - and that kitten. It was clear to everyone that I had been chosen.

He came home with us and a year later Gwen was born. My fondest memory - Gwen crawling out of her room in the morning and Snickers greeting her with the cat head bump. You want to know what a crying cat sounds like? Come to our place when she has gone off to school and he is looking for her. Theirs is a true love.

Sunday we made our way to the Shelter where we were told that if they had him they'd know - a cat like that would stand out. But we looked anyway. We looked at 70 cats/kittens all wishing they could come home with us - and none the one we were looking for. We came home and made a deal - we were going to believe he'd found a good home and was so wonderful that his new family just couldn't bear to give him up.

We'd understand.

I found my blackberry at 10:30 last night. I did not read email. Really, 10 hours before going back to work isn't that just stupid?

Last night at 11:30 my phone rings. It's the front desk folks in our building. "Ma'am" said Rick "I think we have your cat."

We stumbled out of bed, knocked over a lamp, tripped over the comforter, and made our way to the closet to get dressed. Actually, I did that. Chris woke up with my ruckus and when he learned what was going down he swung his legs over the bed and calmly slipped a pair of shorts on. (Why is it that no matter WHAT is happening, men can always get dressed faster?)

We then half ran, half stumbled to the elevator, made our way downstairs and tried to process where we were supposed to go when we rounded a corner and sure enough, there sat Snickers - calmly sitting there looking at us with a look that said "what in the HELL took you so long?"

I scooped him up and we headed back into the apartment and then crept into my daughter's room and then whispered her name so she would wake up.

The look on her face when she realized who it was is what makes me cry now. Happy tears.

Stupid cat.

Stupid cat I love.


Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Did you say something?

I am the oldest of five kids. This means that I am very good at tuning out noise, especially talking, and creating my own special little quiet place.

This means that at any given time I can be on the couch and suddenly realize that Chris is talking. He usually has been chatting away for quite some time before I realize it.

A moment ago I realize he is having a onesided conversation and I say "are you talking to me?"

He says "no, I was talking to Beau but expecting you to listen."



No. No. No.

Someone get me off this slippery slope.

But call my name first - otherwise I won't hear you.


Monday, July 06, 2009

And here I am

all moved in to the new place finally...mostly.

Feet up on the new couch.

Internet all wired up (I install the server tomorrow) with PC's in every room EXCEPT the two baths.

TV in 3 rooms.

And HGTV on all of them.

It's a sickness I tell you.