You know the signs. Suddenly you are talking about him all the time. To your friends. To your family. To complete strangers. You are talking about him all the time because you are thinking about him.
It can't be helped.
Everything he does is so adorable it makes you melt. Even his bodily functions are of interest. You look for his favorite foods. You miss him when you are apart. You wonder what he's doing, if he's happy, how his day is going.
You feel like a fool and yet as soon as you get home you look for him. You can't wait for some cuddle time. You know that he will look at you with adoring brown eyes (eyup, BROWN) and you will grin and hold him close.
You will stay up too late. You will get up too early. Suddenly parts of your day and most of your night revolve around his needs.
You introduce him to your friends. To your family. You are deeply pleased when they agree that, yes, he really is a handsome fella.
It's a sad state of affairs and the only thing that sustains you is that you know you are not alone. Millions of others have fallen just as deeply in love and understand exactly what you are feeling.
Eyup - it's true - I admit it.
I am in LOVE with Beau.
Isn't he cute?
Christmas Shroom Growing Challenge!
2 years ago